Dr. Salma Bashasha
25+ Years Of Experiences

Dr. Salma Bashasha

Legal matters are most sensitive and critical matters. No one can deal with them perfectly except an experience and knowledgeable legal advisor. Dr. Salma Bashasha possesses all the characteristics that one needs to handle any type of legal situation. Mrs. Bashasha is Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Law. She is award winner legal advisor. Whether it relates to civil and commercial law, arbitration, company incorporation, real estate law, banking law, criminal law, personal status law or inheritance law, Dr. Bashasha has got them all covered for you. Client loyalty is another proof of Her excellence in the field of law.

Versatile Personality

Drafting is both an art and a science. Art is to understand the criticalness of a situation and science to provide correct solution. Dr. Salma holds grip on confident, concrete and elaborative drafting of documents, policies, contracts and other official documents both in ARABIC and ENGLISH. Numerous legislations have become her expertise while providing legal services to different corporates and individuals.

Dr. Salma is also equipped with knowledge of management functions because she achieved a diploma in management science and she has career history of holding administrative positions at various organizations. She is also a professional in public speaking and holds a board member at a major law firm. Her practical administrative knowledge encompasses all management functions including hiring, budgeting, marketing, planning and execution.

Dr. Salma Bashasha
With all her experience, certifications and knowledge, Dr. Salma has offered her services for various management activities including developing KPIs, strategic plans and more for legal firms, legal training institutes, government agencies as well as law departments of big corporates. She is certified international trainer holding (Tot) Diploma. Dr. has trained many legal firms and legal graduates on various legislations and representation techniques.